The Tactics Used by Lawyers to Prolong Cases

As an expert in the legal field, I have seen countless cases that seem to drag on for years. This can be frustrating for both parties involved, as well as for the court system. But why do lawyers drag out cases? There are a variety of reasons that can contribute to this, including complex legal issues, large amounts of evidence, procedural delays, and a backlog of cases in the court system. However, there are also tactics used by lawyers to prolong the process and benefit their own interests. One of the main reasons for case delays is the use of legal tactics by both parties.

As a defense attorney, my goal is to represent the insurance company and pay as little as possible. This not only benefits my client, but it also allows me to make more money as I am paid by the hour. Additionally, it can also frustrate the plaintiff and potentially lead them to accept a lower settlement out of desperation. If the opposing party is uncooperative or deliberately obstructive, it may be necessary for your lawyer to take additional legal steps to move the case forward. This could involve court orders, additional discoveries, or other measures to compel cooperation.

These actions can further prolong the case and add to the frustration of all parties involved. However, it's important to note that not all delays are caused by these tactics. Sometimes, factors beyond a lawyer's control can contribute to a prolonged case. This may include waiting for crucial evidence or coordinating with other parties involved in the case. As lawyers, we may need more time to gather evidence, consult with experts, conduct investigations, obtain witnesses, and develop a strong and compelling strategy for presenting the case in court. In some cases, alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation or arbitration may be used.

These methods involve a neutral third party who helps both parties come to a resolution. While this can be a more efficient way to resolve a case, it still requires time and effort from all parties involved. Another factor that can contribute to case delays is the uncertainty of the outcome. As lawyers, we are tasked with defending the interests of our clients, and sometimes the outcome may be uncertain. This can lead to a longer legal process as we work to build a strong case and achieve the best possible outcome for our clients. It's also important to acknowledge that legal proceedings can be costly, and some lawyers may delay a case in order to generate more billable hours.

This is why it's crucial for clients to focus on the merits of their case and work collaboratively with their lawyer to achieve the best possible outcome. Open communication with your lawyer about fees and billing practices can also help address concerns about financial motivations. By being transparent about your expectations for a quick process, your lawyer can understand your priorities and work towards them. However, it's important to note that not all delays are caused by lawyers' tactics or motivations. In some cases, new information may arise that requires a lawyer to adjust their legal strategy. This can also contribute to delays, but it's essential in ensuring a fair outcome for all parties involved. If you find that your current lawyer is not meeting your expectations or is causing unnecessary delays, it may be time to consider hiring a new lawyer to handle your case.

Ultimately, the goal is to work towards a resolution in a timely and efficient manner while still ensuring that your rights and interests are protected.

Ernest Carsten
Ernest Carsten

Hardcore beer fan. Unapologetic troublemaker. Avid coffee guru. Total bacon lover. Devoted travel fanatic. Professional music buff.